Volunteer Training



You became an owner of the Rogers Park Food Co-op to build a cooperative business right here in our diverse community. That's great! But how can you talk about the co-op without being an expert? Who do you talk to? What questions will you be asked? Not to worry. We're in it together!   

Join us for an informal training session to make sure you feel comfortable talking to community members about our amazing organization. In this session, participants will:

  • hear true stories from the front lines of volunteering 
  • role play different scenarios 
  • learn tips to start a conversation and respond to objections
  • leave with materials that you can start sharing right away
  • sign up to help with upcoming community events based on your schedule

We're growing our cooperative community together!

Can't make this date? Let us know you're interested in learning more!



August 09, 2018 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Unity in Chicago Board Room (3rd Floor)
1925 W Thome Ave
Board Room (3rd Floor)
Chicago, IL 60660
United States
Google map and directions

Will you come?

  • Aviva Stein
    canceled rsvp 2018-07-22 15:09:20 -0500
  • Aviva Stein
    rsvped +1 2018-07-22 15:06:36 -0500
  • Volunteer Coordinator
    followed this page 2018-07-22 11:34:06 -0500

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