In order to better prepare for our market study, we are inviting the Leaders of Rogers Park to a Special Strategic Conversation regarding what the Co-op will offer and how to best serve our exciting community.
Please Join Us
Monday, Sept 19th
Rogers Park Public Library
6907 N Clark St
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
We promise a HIGHLY INTERACTIVE and ENGAGING STRATEGIC CONVERSATION designed to build shared understanding and alignment between the Leaders of Rogers Park and the Co-op as we move to the next stage of the process.
September 19, 2016 at 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Rogers Park Chicago Public Library
6907 N Clark St
Chicago, IL 60626
United States
Google map and directions
6907 N Clark St
Chicago, IL 60626
United States
Google map and directions

Lin Prucher rsvped 2016-09-20 07:28:50 -0500
Lin Prucher attended. 2016-09-20 07:28:50 -0500
Rosalind Morris rsvped 2016-09-20 07:28:37 -0500
Rosalind Morris attended. 2016-09-20 07:28:37 -0500
Hank Rouse attended. 2016-09-20 07:28:21 -0500
Mary Meyer attended. 2016-09-20 07:28:21 -0500
Roux Nolan attended. 2016-09-20 07:28:21 -0500
Kristina Eason attended. 2016-09-20 07:28:21 -0500
Jackie Marchand Heller attended. 2016-09-20 07:28:21 -0500
Revive Consignment attended. 2016-09-20 07:28:21 -0500
Revive Consignment rsvped 2016-09-13 15:00:29 -0500
Jackie Marchand Heller rsvped 2016-09-13 15:00:17 -0500
Kristina Eason rsvped 2016-08-30 00:02:36 -0500
Roux Nolan rsvped +1 2016-08-25 16:57:28 -0500
Mary Meyer rsvped 2016-08-23 23:19:11 -0500
Hank Rouse rsvped 2016-08-23 21:34:51 -0500
Kathy Jewusiak-Bryan rsvped 2016-08-09 16:22:40 -0500