A Race For Community Wellness Benefiting A Just Harvest
Did you know that we have the longest serving community kitchen serving hot meals 365 days a year right right here in Rogers Park? Did you know this is where the Rogers Park Food Co-op first had it's meeting spaces, and that we donate our excess food at events to this community kitchen?
Put on your co-op tee-shirt and come join in a community 5K benefiting our neighborhood partner, A Just Harvest. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased here.
Runners, walkers, strollers, and all types of movers and shakers are welcome at this friendly event.
Cant join in the 5k? Consider joining the Rogers Park Food Co-op on our Service Days, every 5th Friday at AJH by emailing: [email protected]
August 04, 2018 at 8:00am - 11am
or Text 5K to +13128183096 to RSVP
Roux Nolan rsvped 2018-07-19 13:58:21 -0500