RPFC Annual Owner Dinner

All Co-op Owners are Invited to the

Third Annual Owner Celebration!




Appetizers, dinner and dessert to be provided. Cash bar available.

*RSVP required to attend this free event. Invitations are limited to Co-op Owners and their household*

Not yet an Owner? Click Here To Join

The Levy Center is fully accessible to people with mobility limitations. If you have questions about accessibility or if you need accommodations please contact Lisa Gordon below. We will do our best to make sure this event is accessible to all owners.

March 24, 2018 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Chandler Newberger Community Center
1028 Central St
Evanston, IL 60201
United States
Google map and directions
Lisa ·
Michelle Parker Katz Bill Morton Natalie Gillespie Corey Banks Karen Davis Dan DeLorenzo Helen Thompson Todd Timmcke Debi Buzil David Mark George Bansa Dan Hurowitz Paula Jacko Aaron Brown Marcella Kane Sj Chapman Shawn Smith eli itah Aklilu Adeye Kate Walsh-White Christina Thodos Marissa Graciosa Lindy Stockton Harvette Nelson Gail Jarrett Steve Gerard Axel Erkenswick Tonia Andreina Pat Scanlan Pat Badani Meg Welch Mitchell Duval Ann Schramm Michelle Prescher Amy Wilkinson Annalee Letchinger Camille McLeod Joe Beason Robyn Markcum Kristina Eason John Henao koula quirk David Flowers Lin Prucher Myra Epping Miles Faciane Jeanette Alfred Jane Hanna

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