Hello From the Rogers Park Food Co-op! June 2016


Rogers Park Food Co-op


Rogers Park Food Co-op


An innovative grocery co-op, providing better food choices and education to our community.


Ownership Update

146 Owners!

Welcome to new owners Arnold Grashoff, Karen Warner, Michael Rohrbeck, Ann Schramm, Jeanette Alfred, Karen Lehman, Jacalyn Lipka-Barnes, Mary O'Brien and Kelly O'Brien!

Help us reach our goal of 200 Owners by July 30th!

Once we have 200 Owners, we can commission our market and feasibility studies and move into the next stage of development! Don't wait; become an owner today!

Don't forget to like us of Facebook! Be sure to invite your friends to like us as well!




June Recap


Artists of the Wall

Artists of the Wall

The Artists of the Wall Festival is a celebration of community, creativity, and music. Each year over Father’s Day weekend, neighbors of all ages come together to collaborate on a 600-foot mural at Loyola Park Beach at 6850 North, between Farwell and Morse Avenues. Coordinated by members of the Loyola Park Advisory Council, the festival has become an annual celebration that the Rogers Park community has come to love.

A huge thank you to Chelle for creating the magnificent mural for the Rogers Park Food Co-op, and to Alejandra and Clara who helped with the lettering. Thank you to Pat, Adam, Desi, Lisa, Kristina, Mary, Myra, and Tom who staffed our tent and helped spread the word about the co-op. Thank you to Roux for providing refreshments.

See the photo gallery here.


Rogers Park Business Alliance Annual Meeting

RPBA Meeting

The Rogers Park Food Co-op has been a member of the Rogers Park Business Alliance since 2015. The RPBA works to support local businesses through education, financial support, and infrastructure improvements.

On June 23rd, Co-op Board members Roux, Mary, Adam and Lin attended the RPBA's 23rd Annual Meeting at the Mundelein Center on the beautiful Loyola campus.


Upcoming Events


Farmer's Markets

Farmers Market

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Outdoor Farmers Market Season!

Look for the Rogers Park Food Co-op outside of the Glenwood Sunday Market, or at a tent in the Loyola Farmers Market. Volunteers will be there to talk about the Co-op and what we will provide to the community.

For updated information about when the Co-op will be attending the farmers markets, please visit our Facebook Page.

Want to help the Co-op while spending time outside? Sign up to volunteer at the Farmers Markets!


Clark Street Festival

Celebrate Clark Street

Saturday, July 16th from 1-11pm
Sunday, July 17th from 1-10pm
Where: Clark Street between Morse and Estes

The Rogers Park Food Co-op Co-op will have a tent at the 2016 Celebrate Clark Street Festival. Help us spread the word about how the Co-op can help our local farmers and Community.

The Celebrate Clark Street Festival is an annual celebration of the diverse people and cultures represented along Clark Street in Rogers Park. The two day party features live music, great food, and a lot of fun for the whole family!

RSVP and volunteer shifts via: Facebook


Host Your Own "Coffee with the Co-op"


The Rogers Park Food Co-op needs the help of all of our supporters to reach our goals. Hosting a meeting in your home is a great way to generate interest in the co-op vision!

Your event doesn't even need to include coffee! You could host a wine and cheese tasting, or a pot-luck

The Rogers Park Food Co-op will provide you with informational materials, as well as coffee from Equal Exchange. A member of the Co-op Board will assist as a presenter as well.

Coffee Mug

Volunteers Needed!


Are you looking for a great way to support the Rogers Park Food Co-op? We need your help!

The success of Rogers Park Food Co-op depends on generous volunteers to move the Co-op forward. Are you a designer? Great at data-entry? Love talking to people? We need your skills!

Build your resume by contributing your talents and skills and developing some new ones. Become part of the developing community of people who are building the co-op.

Meet and engage with your neighbors to create an amazing food co-operative in our community. Learn about food, the food system and the local food system we are creating by partnering with our local farmers. Have fun while doing all of this amazing work.

Want to help? Visit http://volunteer-rogersparkfoodcoop.nationbuilder.com/become_a_volunteer.



Thank You to Supporting Businesses


Taste of Peru

Taste of Peru

You may have walked or driven right by Taste of Peru, 6545 N. Clark St., (773) 381-4540 and not even known it was there. It is a tiny storefront restaurant in a Clark St. strip mall that hides behind its bland exterior one of the few Peruvian restaurants in Chicago. Founded in 1998 by Peruvian-American Cesar Izquierdo to bring authentic Peruvian food to the far north side, Taste of Peru has been pleasing its customers and receiving rave reviews ever since. Living and working in Rogers Park as he does, Izquierdo was happy to donate some of his delicious food to the Co-op's Annual Meeting.

Heartland Cafe

Heartland Cafe

If you've eaten at one restaurant in Rogers Park, it's probably the Heartland Cafe, 7000 N. Glenwood Ave., (773) 465-8005, a RP staple since 1976. Owner and organic farmer Tom Rosenfeld is a co-owner of the Rogers Park Food Co-op, because the missions of the two institutions fit together very neatly: Both are about making local and sustainable food available to everyone. The Heartland donated a load of their excellent food for our Annual Meeting in March, for which we thank them. The Heartland “empire” on north Glenwood Ave. also includes the Red Line Tap, the Buffalo Bar, and the store which has evolved from True Nature Foods.



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