Rogers Park Food Co-op
Rogers Park Food Co-op
An innovative grocery co-op, providing better food choices and education to our community.
131 Owners!
Welcome to new owners Catherine Garceau, Karen Wollins, Robert Dooman, Anthony Mesok, Anita Sims, Lisa Weber, Robert Farina, Sylvie Desouches, and Senator Heather Steans!
Ownership Contest
To help us reach our goal of 25 new owners in May, anyone who becomes an owner between May 1st and May 31st will be entered in a drawing to win four shares of fresh, sustainable seafood from Hooked on Fish!
The drawing will only take place if we reach our goal of 25 new Owners in May, so encourage your friends to join!
Current Owners who recruit new Owners will also be entered in the drawing for each new Owner recruited. Don't forget to use your custom link from www.rogersparkfoodcoop.com/owner_recruitment!
Help us reach our goal of 155 Owners by May 31st! Don't wait; become an owner today!
Ownership goals
- May 31st: 155 Owners
- June 30th: 200 Owners
Once we have 200 Owners, we can commision our market and feasibility studies and move into the next stage of development!
Don't forget to like us of Facebook! Be sure to invite your friends to like us as well!
April Recap
It's finally starting to feel like Spring in Chicago and the Rogers Park Food Co-op has been busy!
Meet the Farmers
Anybody wondering if farmers are interested in the Rogers Park Food Co-op got the answer – loud and clear – at the Meet the Farmers event held April 27 at Uncommon Ground's Devon Avenue restaurant.
Fourteen farm operations told their stories as about 50 co-op owners and prospective owners crowded into the restaurant's back room to mingle with and listen to the farmers. The mood was celebratory because the planned co-op will benefit from the participation of local farmers, and farmers will find another steady market.
"Co-ops are the way to go," said Nate Robinson of Jake's Country Meats in Cassopolis, MI. "We like farmers markets to get to know the people, but co-ops are the next step."
The meetup included informal conversations, a series of presentations by the farmers, and an update on co-op membership, which Vice President Mary Meyer said had reached 130 members the day before, with the signup of State Rep. Heather Steans. Afterwards, four bands presented a fundraiser concert, Farm Fresh Jams.
"Rogers Park is the best community we could hope to serve," said Becky Stark of Midnight Sun Farm. She and her husband Nick Choate-Batchelder have been working at the Glenwood Sunday Market since 2010, and hope to sell to the co-op as they expand their farm in Harvard, IL.
Other farmers participating were Wild Beet Farm, Moah's Ark, Sweet Comb Chicago, Big Head Farm, The Urban Canopy, Dirt Doll, Mint Creek Farm, Sitka Salmon Shares, Timberfeast Woodland Meats, Midnight Sun Farms, Let's Go Chicago, Starry Plough Farm and Metropolitan Farms.
Farm Fresh Jams
Four talented local bands came out to play music to support the Rogers Park Food Co-op. Thank you to Abbie & Marlon, Abud: A Bard, Luna Blu, Signal-to-Noise, and the Uncommon Ground Staff!
View the Gallery
4th Moah's Ark Plant Sale
When: May 14th and 15th, 12pm - 5pm Where: Moah's Ark 1839 W Touhy Ave Chicago, Illinois 60626
From Mo Cahill:
Our 4th annual plant sale will feature a big variety of heirloom tomatoes and peppers, plus herbs, flowers and more. We have several new tomatoes, including 7 varieties of dwarf heirlooms, old favorites like the cherokee purple, green and chocolate, Moah's yellow, and a couple new Italian imports. This is a 2 day event, Saturday and Sunday. RSVP to this event so that you will be notified of the full list which I will be putting up soon. Happy Spring!!
Waldorf School May Fair
Free and Open to the Public
When: May 14th, 2016 at 10am - 4pm Where: 1300 W. Loyola Ave Chicago, IL 60660
Come meet the Rogers Park Food Co-op at the 2016 Waldorf School May Fair!
From chicagowaldorf.org:
The May Fair is an annual celebration of Spring, the Arts and creativity that is celebrated by Waldorf schools throughout the Americas and Europe. This event connects the school to the larger community and celebrates the spirit by which Waldorf schools nourish and support the whole child. May Fair takes on its own aura for each individual school as activities range from barbecues to child-made crafts, handworking, silk dying and more. The most iconic element of May Fair is the maypole dance that evokes the same pride and spirit as it did in festivals centuries ago.
Special Offer: Burn to Earn with Hank Rouse

Every few months, personal trainer Hank Rouse and his team of coaches run a Biggest Slim Down Contest. This past Holiday Season, Hank had a Maintain Don't Gain Contest. To win cash prizes, all the contestants had to do was maintain their weight (or even lose weight). We are excited to announce an Exclusive Opportunity for RPFC Co-Owners.
$25 will be donated to the Rogers Park Food Co-op for each participating Co-Owner who achieves the 3% Body Weight (Loss/Gain) benchmark.
More Info
Coffee With the Co-op
You have probably heard neighbors talking about the Rogers Park Food Co-op. Join us to find out why we are excited about opening this community-owned grocery store. Get engaged in the conversation and enjoy coffee, tea and refreshments. For more information, write to [email protected].
There will be two coffees in May:
Sunday, May 1st, 2-4pm Charmers Cafe: 1500 W. Jarvis Host: Tom Conklin
Sunday, May 15th, 3-4:30pm 2719 W. Fitch Host: David and Nina Henry
Host Your Own "Coffee with the Co-op"
The Rogers Park Food Co-op needs the help of all of our supporters to reach our goals. Hosting a meeting in your home is a great way to generate interest in the co-op vision!
Your event doesn't even need to include coffee! You could host a wine and cheese tasting, or a pot-luck
The Rogers Park Food Co-op will provide you with informational materials, as well as coffee from Equal Exchange. A member of the Co-op Board will assist as a presenter as well.
Volunteers Needed
Are you looking for a great way to support the Rogers Park Food Co-op? We need your help!
The success of Rogers Park Food Co-op depends generous volunteers to move the Co-op forward. Are you a designer? Great at data-entry? Love talking to people? We need your skills!
Build your resume by contributing your talents and skills and developing some new ones. Become part of the developing co-op community of people who are building the co-op.
Meet and engage with your neighbors to create an amazing food co-operative in our community. Learn about food, the food system and the local food system we are creating by partnering with our local farmers. Have fun while doing all of this amazing work.
Want to help? Visit www.rogersparkfoodcoop.com/volunteer.
Thank You to Supporting Businesses
Fat Boys Jerk & Soul Food
Gerald Pelissier, the owner of Fat Boy's Jerk & Soul Food, 1636 W. Howard St., (773) 856-0524, was born and raised in Rogers Park, and it seems to come naturally to him to give back to the community. His storefront restaurant has been open since March 2015, and it gets consistently high marks on review sites like Yelp. When he donated both jerk chicken and barbecue chicken to the RPFC Annual Meeting in March, many guests commented on how much they enjoyed it. Mr. Pelissier describes his restaurant as a “place for people to enjoy quality and cheap food” and as a family and neighborhood business. Please visit our supporters on Howard St., Fat Boy's Jerk & Soul Food, who are making Rogers Park just a little bit more tasty every day.
Ethiopian Diamond
Right around the corner from Fat Boy's is the Rogers Park location of Ethiopian Diamond, 7535 N. Clark St., (773) 764-2200. Owner/chef Almaz Yigizaw opened the Rogers Park location of her restaurant in 2010, after the success of her original location at 6120 N. Broadway, which has been open since 1996. Not only does she receive consistent accolades for her food, but she is also praised for her constant involvement with the community. She donated great quantities of both meat and vegetarian food for the Annual Meeting buffet, and we thank her for her outstanding generosity.
Join our Exclusive Owners Group here: