Will the food be affordable?


Most grocery co-ops put a priority on paying a fair price to their suppliers and a living wage to their employees, while also making prices as affordable as possible. Our owners will have a say in how we balance fairness and affordability. Here are some ways other co-ops improve affordability for their customers:

  • Special programs for low-income customers
  • Accepting Link and WIC benefits
  • Assisting low-income households with the purchase of equity (ownership)shares in the co-op
  • Pricing discounts for people facing financial hardship

Ways to keep prices low for everyone:

  • Buying and selling products in bulk. Bulk buying can save consumers about 35%
  • Selling selected staples products at discounted prices or at wholesale cost (no mark-up)
  • Offering classes to help people cook and eat healthfully on a budget

One other important point…Cheap food is a myth. While the end consumer may view the food as cheap, someone is paying the true cost of the food- and it’s usually not the manufacturer or the retailer. Cheap food is subsidized by those who can least afford it: Farmers, farm workers, grocery store employees, other food service workers, and communities whose natural resources are despoiled through excessive use of chemicals. There are two sides to affordability- not just cost but also ability to pay. If we continue to pay people less than a living wage for their labor, food will never truly be affordable-just cheap.

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